Ahmad on Jihadi Organizations

Muhammad Ahmad (International Islamic University, Islamabad; International Committee of the Red Cross) has posted Jihad, Jihadi Organizations and Liberation Struggle (Hazara Islamicus, 6:2 (2017), 15-31) on SSRN.  Here is the abstract: Islamic law does not envisage war against non-Muslims qua non-Muslims. The legal cause triggering the obligatory duty of jihad is aggression against Islam or Muslims. The law of jihad becomes operative when this cause of obligation exists, all the conditions are fulfilled and there is no legal obstacle; so that jihad becomes obligatory only in extreme conditions, when a threat to Islam or Muslims cannot be neutralized except by the use of force. The general rule of Islamic law is that jihad is to be fought under the authority and control of the government. Simultaneously, however, Islamic law gives the individuals the right to private defense. When many individuals face a common threat, Islamic law encourages them to develop a…

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